Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pineapple Guavas!

Big Ag and I were out in the backyard yesterday when he picked up the fruit from one of our landscape trees next to the house, pulled out his pocket knife, and cut it open in order to identify it.  Having no idea what it was, he handed it to me.  Knowing that the lady who had this place landscaped had pets, and therefore being fairly certain she hadn't planted anything toxic back there, I took a bite.  It had the texture of an apple, but with an apple-pineapple-peachy kind of flavor to it.  It was ripe, sweet, and absolutely delicious, and I couldn't believe I'd been sweeping all this fruit into the trash before this, believing it to be the inedible product of a tree grown only for show.

After some internet investigation, I determined it was a pineapple guava, or feijoa plant.  Native to South America, it's able to be grown in our climate. I love discovering something new that's edible in our yard, especially when it's something I had just written off as a particularly messy landscape tree.

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