Wednesday, June 11, 2014

An Egg In the Hat Is Worth Two In The Nest

So with Red the Rhode Island Red chicken gone to the winery to live and doing OK there, I have had a chance to analyze how well Ellen and Portia are laying right now, and the news isn't good.  They are averaging only 2 - 3 eggs a week, between the two of them!

I have also been chicken-sitting for the couple across the way, and have found their 2-year-old hens are doing about the same, with the exception of their Americauna, who seems to lay almost every day. But since they started with more hens, at least they still have enough eggs to keep themselves in omelettes, if they wish.

For any chicken neophytes out there listening, is this the take-home lesson from my mistakes:  Add a couple of new hens to your flock every other year. Waiting until every third year will leave you virtually eggless during that third summer, when your old girls are barely laying but your new girls are still too young to lay. Oh, sure there are exceptions to the rule, but the fact is, by most hens' third summer on this earth, they have slowed down on the egg production considerably.

And since I'm currently on a kick of having Egg In The Hat for lunch every day, eggs are pretty important.

Haven't had Egg In The Hat, you say?  Here's the recipe:

Take a piece of your favorite whole-wheat bread, and cut a hole in it, using a small-mouth lid jar, the top to a can of PAM, or something else about that size.

Take one teaspoon of butter and melt it in a frying pan (I use a small Lodge pan).

Once the butter is melted and the pan is hot, place the bread with the hole cut in it into the pan.  After a couple of minutes, crack the egg -- don't stir it -- just let it fall into the hole and cook until the egg is almost done.

Once its almost done, flip it to cook the other side and, if there's room, add your circle that you cut out of the bread and brown it, too.

Your egg is done when the yolk is solid and the bread is a lovely browned color.

Add a little ollalieberry jam to the circle once it's done and you have a perfect lunch and mini-dessert!


  1. So cute! I'm not keen on eggs that aren't baked into pastries, but I might like this. Every other year is good. Thanks for the tip. I don't know how I'll avoid the temptation to buy every chick in sight every spring though.

    1. It really is hard, but once you're in the position of having way too many eggs, it will temper your desires somewhat. Plus, you'll only have to go one year with no buying -- every other year you can indulge your whims!
