Friday, July 10, 2015

Best crop ever

So Groceries is now a sailor, Big Ag is a proud Navy papa, and I have Empty Nest Syndrome. Actually, I'm almost over the last part, it does get easier after awhile.  But all the kids are moving on to life's next adventures, and I'm happy to see them finding success in life.  Possibly the best crop I ever cultivated was this batch of next-gen people I raised.


  1. Congratulations! To him AND you and BA! I can't imagine how hard Empty Nest must hit. Must be a surreal feeling. I'm so glad Barbie can't move out! Haha

  2. That's why dogs are so awesome, you are correct! They will never want to borrow your car, never need money for college and never want to move out! And basically never grow up, always remaining playful and innocent. Bliss. : )
