Monday, March 12, 2012

House tests

At this moment, there's pair of men walking around the house with clipboards and pointed sticks poking all around the inside and outside of the house.  It's our pest inspection, the first of two inspections we'll have on our home as it proceeds through the escrow process.  It's not a stress-free process; my home is taking a test and there's not much I can do to see that it passes with flying colors.  On top of this, we're also looking at homes and negotiating the buying process west of here, and making sure the regular things get done as well, like doing our taxes, paying bills, and keeping up with graduation and college preparations for our two boys who are high school seniors.

It's no wonder then, that at times I feel fundamentally tired, even when I've had 8 good hours of sleep.  I've been tempted to just take a day, pull the covers up to my chin and stay in bed, but that won't stop my mind from running all the scenarios through so I'm not really sure how helpful it would be.  So I've opted to stay busy instead, doing housework and laundry and trying to find some sanity in the minutiae of daily living. 

When done correctly, every task can be a prayer and a call to serenity.  Which is the very definition of faith -- being centered enough in the spiritual world to give you balance even when the tangible one seems to be flying apart at the seams.  

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