Friday, May 11, 2012

Sometimes life is like this

I think before we're born we all get to fill out a form where we can check off whether we want our karma on the regular installment plan, or whether we want to go with the "lump sum" plan.  If you take the lump sum plan, everything notable and important in your life will happen at the same times, but you will have years and years of peace and quiet in between, when there's not much going on.  

I know which box I checked:  I asked for the lump sum.  Consequently, in the next three weeks I have two sons graduating from high school, with all the pomp and circumstance that goes along with it, family coming in from out of town, one yard sale or organize, a 100 mile move to complete, an eclipse to travel out-of-town to see,  and a loan to close on and sign documents on.  These are all fun things except when they wake me up at 3 a.m., all their details flying around in my head, and then it's all a little bit daunting.

The key is to breathe, to remember to be in the moment, and keep an excellent and detailed to-do list and calendar.  And pray, hopefully and expectantly.  

I don't know quite how it's all going to get done, but I do know, with 100 percent certainty, that it will.  And then the only thing to navigate will be how different it's all going to be.  More or less.  There will be a new horizon to see the sun set on, new roads to get used to driving, but "General Hospital" will still be on every day and my fridge will still make the funky clunking sound it does when it makes ice.  And God will be there, overseeing it all.  Some things are eternal.

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