Sunday, January 3, 2016


Pfft. Let it rain...

So the weather forecast this week is predicting more rain than we've seen in a long time...possibly three inches by the week's end. It's been so long since we've seen precipitation like this I'm quite skeptical it's going to happen. Everybody in California is talking about the Mighty El Nino Effect, but I'm seeing it more in the midwest than here on the coast.

Nonetheless, if it does happen to end up raining a good amount, I've made sure we don't have to be out in it doing anything non-essential. I'm doing the last of the laundry to hang outside right now, we have plenty of food stocked up, and everything we might need to do in town has been done.

And the final series of Downton Abbey starts tonight, so I predict we'll be snug by the fire watching the adventures of Lady Mary, the Dowager, and Anna and Bates as the first of the storms rolls on in.

Fingers crossed for water and safety to all if we end up getting deluged!

I'm off to the manor with Lady Mary and the Earl of Grantham.


  1. Hoping for rain for you! We've had quite a lot here, despite our long-range forecasts continuing to suggest we'll be dry. Still no snow though! Enjoy the rain! Downton...we'll see. I still watch religiously, but it's a little off the rails! But it's still beautiful enough to keep me engaged!

    1. No snow? That is extremely strange. I really figured with all that storm activity in the middle/northern parts of the country you were finally white. Gotta be some kind of record. Only one more hour here until Downton, it's jumped the shark a little but I just adore Maggie Smith. : )

  2. Hope you get the rain & sounds like you are very prepared.

    1. It's actually happening! Really did not think it would. It's been so long since it's rained like this I'd forgotten how nice things all look washed clean from a good hard rain. And it smells heavenly outside.
