Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin

I currently have several seedlings for this massive giant pumpkin sprouting in my greenhouse.  They will go into the garden in a couple of weeks, and from there.....who knows.

It actually always seems kind of strange to be planting winter squash when spring is in full tilt, but that's just how nature works. Things like pumpkins and butternut squash take a long time to form, so they need to go into the ground several months before they're actually needed. 

If I get two or three giant pumpkins, I will be thrilled....for no particular reason (Heck, if I get ONE I will be thrilled).  In addition to these massive Dill's pumpkins, I've also planted plenty of smaller, more useful Sugar Pie pumpkins as well, which I will can and make pies with next fall, but these gargantuan pumpkins serve no other purpose, except for fun.  I figure if they grow, I have several months to play Martha Stewart and figure out what creative thing I want to do with them.  Sigh.  My very own Pumpkinzillas.

It could be fun. And sometimes, farms, homesteads, and gardens should be fun.  We'll see if I can get a pumpkinzilla or two.


  1. Ugh I have no luck with pumpkins! Luckily I have a friend with a 1000 acre pumpkin/gourd farm! I'm excited to watch the massive pumpkins grow!!! Damn. Now I'm craving pumpkin pie.

    1. Mmm....pumpkin pie. It's never out of season for me either, lol!
