Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mold-Free Loaves?

So if you could buy bread in the supermarket that would never get moldy, would you?  There was an interesting article I read today about a Texas company that's developed a special commercial microwave oven that zaps all the mold spores out of manufactured bread.  The link to it is below.

The upside to using the new technology is that the bread maker could actually use less preservatives --  and less chemicals that are put into the bread to mask the flavor of the preservatives. (I had no idea that some of the wacky ingredients in store-bought bread are actually things to make sure I don't taste the apparently yucky-tasting preservatives, did you?)

The downside is that you're eating microwaved bread, which has no mold spores whatsoever.  Zip.  Nada. While I'm not sure eating mold spores provides anything of use to our bodies, I can't say for sure that it doesn't.  Who knows, it's possible mold spores confer some immunity or resistance to some types of food poisoning, or even some diseases.  Which is why I hope the bread manufacturers do not rush pell-mell into buying into this new technology, seeing big dollar signs in being able to keep bread on the supermarket shelves for a couple of months instead of a couple of days.

Besides, keeping bread refrigerated reduces mold spoilage by about 90 percent, anyway.  Keeping it in the freezer makes it last even longer.  

And nothing, but nothing we've invented yet will stop the opposite problem from happening, which is bread going stale enough to cause injury, as anyone who has ever been hit in the head with a stale dinner roll can tell you.

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