Friday, January 25, 2013

Special Delivery!

Hooray!  Trees of Antiquity called yesterday to tell us our Ollalieberry and heirloom blueberry bushes will delivered in town today, and I'm heading down the road to pick them up this morning.  We've had rain and cool weather, so this will be a great time to transplant.  I'm still waiting on two special heirloom rose bushes I ordered, and hopefully those will arrive soon too (they are coming from a bit farther away than the berries).  

We have about one more round of planting to go, and then we are done with the permanent landscaping, berries and trees for this year.  We still have some vines to put in, but hopefully we can get some cuttings soon and begin that project.  I'm thinking red wine grapes only, as the country wines I make (pear, dandelion, and carrot) are similar to white wines once they're done, so we've got all the bases covered.

But I think the next big task is going to be covering the dead front lawn with some weed-blocking barrier, and ordering a bunch of bark to go on that and around everything we planted out there, finishing the project. 

Sometimes it seems like this place is just a project list with a fence around it, but, you know, that's country living for you.

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